Did you know Advocare is now WA’s Seniors Peak Body? Learn more.

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About Advocare

Advocare is a leader in upholding the rights of older people and addressing elder abuse. We are also the custodians of the Seniors Peak Body in Western Australia. 

We believe our rights do not diminish with age. Since 1996, we have proudly supported older people across Western Australia to access the information, support and protections they deserve. Advocare is a not-for-profit organisation and is independent from aged care providers, government, and industry. Our services are free, unbiased and confidential.

Advocare’s knowledgeable and compassionate team has extensive knowledge of the aged care system. Each week we support older adults to access aged care services, understand their rights as consumers of aged care services, address elder abuse, and better connect them with their community.

We also work with aged care providers, health professionals, community groups, and financial experts to raise awareness of our advocacy and support services. We offer information sessions and educational workshops for community groups, aged care homes, and other organisations that interact regularly with older people.

In 2024, Advocare was appointed WA’s Seniors Peak Body. This new role complements and enhances the work we already do in the aged care sector with older West Australians. We look forward to being the custodians of the Seniors Peak Body to provide a collective voice on the issues impacting older Western Australians.

Advocare also chairs the Western Australian chapter of the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (APEA). Made up of representatives from state and local government departments and community-based organisations, this group aims to help identify and address any systemic issues that may intersect and contribute to the prevalence of elder abuse in our community.

How Advocare supports older people

Advocare is committed to providing support across its services to older people, their families and representatives: 


How we do this

Advocare’s team provides services to older people in the Perth metropolitan area and a number of regional locations.  Our Outreach team also travels across regional, remote, and rural Western Australia to provide support. 


Our Advocates offer personalised support to help older people access, navigate, and resolve issues with Commonwealth-funded aged care services.

Find out more about our advocacy services by downloading our brochure.

Elder abuse helpline

The WA Elder Abuse Helpline and Information Service (1300 724 679) is a free, confidential and vital resource for older people at risk of or experiencing elder abuse in Western Australia.

Find out more about elder abuse and available support by downloading our booklet.

Care finder service

The care finder program is a free service that provides intensive support to particularly disadvantaged and isolated older people who otherwise have no support to access aged care and other services in their community. 

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) connects lonely or socially isolated older people with volunteer visitors who provide regular companionship and social support.

Find out more about our volunteer visitors scheme here. If you’re ready to sign up right now, follow this link to register your interest.

Information and education

Advocare offers free state-wide information sessions for older people, their families, aged care providers, health professionals, community groups, and organisations that regularly interact with older adults, such as banks, local governments, and allied health professions.

You can find out more about our information and education sessions here:

Our vision

 A society where older people are safe, empowered and cherished. 

Our purpose 

To transform lives and communities through education, collaboration, and advocacy, supporting older Western Australians to live the lives of their choice. 

Our values  

Take a look at our Strategic Plan to view our strategic priorities and initiatives for 2024-2027.  

Our supporters and affiliations

Advocare gratefully acknowledges the generous support, funding, and endorsement of these organisations: