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Resolving problems

Are you or someone you know having issues with your aged care service provider? Are you concerned about your rights and options?

You are not alone. You have the right to expect high quality services, privacy and confidentiality.

You also have the right to make decisions about your own care and lifestyle.

Our advocates support you in a variety of ways, ensuring your rights and needs are being met, and your voice is heard.

How we can help

If you are a family member or friend who is concerned about someone who is receiving aged care services, you can support them by referring them to Advocare. You can also call on their behalf for information about their rights and how we can help.

In-home services

Our knowledgeable team can help you:

If you are unsure how the new Support at Home Program will impact you or your services, call our team at the Aged Care Advocacy Line on 1800 700 600 for free, independent and up-to-date information.

Do you need help navigating financial questions and quandaries?

Our specialist Financial Advocate is here to support you and can assist you to:

The Financial Advocate may refer you to another service provider (i.e. Services Australia) to help you make informed decisions about your finances.

Residential Aged Care Services

If you or someone you know is experiencing issues with the care they receive while living in an aged care facility, you can contact one of our experienced advocates to discuss your concerns on 1800 700 600.

Our advocates only take a client or appointed guardian’s directions and will not take any action without your consent.

Making a complaint

It is okay to raise a concern or make a complaint. It usually improves services for everyone.

Sometimes aged care providers may not be aware of the issue you are experiencing.

Sometimes you may not understand your rights in full or be aware of all the options available to you.

By speaking to one of our advocates you are standing up for your own rights and creating change for yourself.

We will ensure you understand your rights and options, help you find the information you need for your situation, and advocate for you to ensure you get the best outcome.

We’re here to listen

For independent, free and confidential information and support, call us on the Aged Care Advocacy Line,

1800 700 600.

If you speak a language other than English, we can arrange assistance via the Translating and Interpreting Service.

Need more information

Visit these websites for further information:  

Changing Home Care Package provider | Department of Health and Aged Care

Food for thought on the importance of complaints | Advocare

What to do if you have a complaint | Aged care Quality and Safety Commission

Read Padma’s story

Padma* lives in a residential aged care home and contacted Advocare with some concerns about her services. Originally, she had selected the home as it offered several activities and outings. It was important to Padma to keep her mind active and remain connected to the community. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an aged care advocate do to assist me with a concern or complaint?

An advocate will listen to you, hear your concerns and provide you options on how you can resolve your situation. Some options might include, how you can address the issue yourself with your aged care provider by providing you with information on your rights. An advocate can also speak to your aged care provider with you or on your behalf to try and resolve the concerns you have. 

An advocate can also assist you to lodge a formal complaint with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. 

Will my family or friends know I have contacted Advocare for help?

No. Unless you decide to share that information your advocate will not contact anyone without your permission, share your personal information or discuss your case. In the event a family member calls us and asks for information our advocates will neither deny or confirm there has been any contact from any party. 

Will my service provider know that I have discussed concerns with an advocate?

Only if you direct the advocate to contact a provider to discuss your concerns. We gain your verbal consent and record this in our database. You can withdraw consent at any time, see our privacy policy for more information.