Bankwest has been a part of the fabric of Western Australia for almost 130 years and says it remains as committed as ever to supporting the customers and communities of its home state, especially as it transitions to a digital bank.
Bankwest has implemented a range of initiatives to support customers through the transition, one of which has been its Community Banking Workshops.
The workshops have been operating around the state, with more than 60 sessions held to almost 700 attendees, and the same number registered for future sessions.
The Community Banking Workshops comprise of two parts, the first being a presentation providing information on how to bank digitally with confidence, and the second being one-on-one sessions with colleagues as participants use their own devices.
Participants have the time and opportunity to ask questions on digital banking, as well as the raft of alternative banking options, such as the many everyday transactions they can complete at Australia Post offices through Bank@Post.
Workshop attendees have provided consistent feedback that the sessions left them feeling safe, secure, and confident to conduct their banking at a time that suits them, with an older customer remarking, “If I could kick my heels together, I would.”
People are able to register their interest in Community Banking Workshops at the Bankwest website, after which they will be provided details of the next available session in their area.
The success of the program has had Bankwest roll-out a follow-up initiative, with colleagues posted at select Australia Post outlets through June, July, and August across metro and regional areas and available to support customers with non-telling services.
Signage has been posted in Bankwest branches for those with corresponding Community Banker at Australia Post deployments, providing customers with location and availability details.