Advocare staff on are on the frontline when it comes to dealing with elder abuse, loneliness, trauma, injustice and grief. This regular exposure puts our staff at high risk of vicarious trauma. How does Advocare address this in our workplace to keep our staff safer?
What is ‘vicarious trauma’? The Work Safe WA Code of Practice for Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace states vicarious trauma results from repeated exposure over time to other people’s traumatic experiences. It has a cumulative response for people and is sometimes referred to as ‘compassion fatigue’.
The effects of vicarious trauma can vary from person to person, however, if not addressed can lead to a range of issues including stress, burnout, fatigue, sleeping problems, and loss of pleasure in daily activities.
How is Advocare managing effects of vicarious trauma?
Managing and minimising the risks of vicarious trauma, and other psychosocial hazards has been a key priority for Advocare. Over the last two years in particular, we have implemented a range of supports for staff:
- Vicarious trauma for all staff – including non-client facing staff.
- Employee Assistance Program (counselling) service for all staff to help manage challenging situations, at work or home.
- Regular group supervision sessions to provide a safe, confidential and supportive space to reflect and discuss challenging work situations.
- Wellness action plans where staff can create individually tailored plans on how they wish to be supported.
- Wellness programs and initiatives including awareness campaigns, chair yoga and tools for increasing well-being and self-care.
- Advocare also offers two extra ‘Wellness Days’ of leave to encourage pursuit of personal self-care initiatives for staff eligible.
What our staff think about group supervision sessions:
“It provides a space to discover that others are experiencing similar issues, good and bad, when there wouldn’t be opportunities to have those discussions otherwise.”
“I often come away from each session with a renewed passion for what I do as it provides an opportunity to delve deeper into the values and purpose of Advocare.”
In November, we welcomed Bree Mills, Advocare’s new Safety and Human Resources Officer. This new role further cements Advocare’s priority and focus on creating a safe and positive workplace for all staff.
If you’d like to learn more about vicarious trauma read this helpful article on 1800Respect’s website: