Advocare has been a leader in addressing elder abuse for nearly 30 years. Each week, we receive about 40 calls from people concerned about elder abuse, either for themselves, or someone they care about who may be at risk
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)
Every year on the 15 June, Advocare marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). In the lead up to WEAAD, we deliver several information sessions to older people, their families, supporters, and service provider staff across the state. These sessions share vital information about how to recognise the signs of elder abuse and what to do next.
Our team also participates in several community activities and is an active member of the WA Department of Communities WEAAD Working Group.
WA Elder Abuse Helpline
Since 2014, Advocare has been proudly managing the free WA Elder Abuse Helpline (1300 724 679). In 2024, we celebrated its 10th anniversary.
With over 7,300 calls received, the helpline continues to provide free, confidential information and specialized advocacy for those dealing with elder abuse. It also serves as a referral hub, connecting callers with services like Elder Rights WA, the Older People’s Rights Service, and government agencies such as the Office of the Public Advocate. For many, it’s the first place they turn for guidance and support.
The free and confidential WA Elder Abuse Helpline operates Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm. Call 1300 724 679.
Alliance for Prevention of Elder Abuse WA (APEA: WA)
Advocare Chairs APEA: WA a high-level policy group led by Advocare.
The group was established to support inter-agency collaboration to prevent elder abuse in Western Australia. Its main objectives are to:
- Raise awareness and understanding of elder abuse
- Facilitate elder abuse policy development in Western Australia.
For more information on APEA:WA group or to discuss how your organisation can support elder abuse prevention from a systemic perspective, contact Advocare on 08 9479 7566 or email