Did you know Advocare delivers free, on-site information sessions on topics like protecting the rights of older people receiving aged care services, aged care services access, elder abuse and addressing loneliness through the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACCVS)?
We’re currently taking bookings from service providers and community groups around the state to deliver specific information sessions to aged care home residents and their families or representatives, service providers and interested community groups.
Book your free session now via email at education@advocare.org.au or call us on 08 9479 7566.
Our sessions in a nutshell!
Find out what to expect from an Advocare free education session. Whether you’re a community organisation interested in your members or clients knowing more or are an aged care home keen to support your staff to understand and work more collaboratively with older people, we’ll come to you for free.
1. Sessions for community groups and health professions. Watch video
2. Sessions for aged care providers and aged care home staff. Watch video