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Isla’s long road to stability

Isla* aged 76, owned her own home. When she mentioned to her daughter she was considering downsizing, her daughter suggested she move in with her and her family and with the proceeds from the sale of the house, build an extension to their home. Without discussing the matter with anyone else in the family, Isla accepted the offer. 

Initially the arrangement worked well however, after a while problems emerged. Isla’s other two children were not happy with the money spent on improving her daughter’s property and conflict in the family began. Over time Isla’s health needs increased, putting strain on the relationship with her daughter and her family. Isla’s daughter became increasingly hostile towards her. 

Eventually, Isla’s daughter asked her to find alternative accommodation. Isla was deeply hurt and felt rejected. In addition, she no longer had enough money to purchase another home. Her daughter refused to return the money spent on the house extension and insisted it was a gift from mother to daughter.  

As a pensioner with limited funds, Isla contacted Advocare for help. Our experienced advocates provided information and a referral to appropriate housing services and helped Isla access counselling. Once settled into secure housing, we referred her to legal services that assisted Isla to recover some of the money from her daughter. 

*Name changed for privacy and to protect the identity of the individual involved.