Joan*, a 68-year-old widow, unexpectedly became the primary caregiver for her two grandchildren, aged 10 and 12. Initially, Joan found comfort and joy in having them with her, cherishing the opportunity to create a loving environment. However, as time went on, she began to realise the immense pressure associated with this carer role. Joan’s daily routine transformed drastically as she juggled household responsibilities, school commitments and the emotional needs of her grandchildren. While she aimed to create a stable environment, the situation became increasingly complicated due to the behaviour of the 12-year-old grandchild who began experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
As her grandchild’s substance use escalated Joan faced many challenges which included verbal and emotional abuse. Joan was torn between her desire to support her grandchild and the need to protect the younger grandchild. Recognising she could not manage the situation alone, Joan sought help from an advocate. This decision marked a turning point in her journey.
With the advocate’s assistance, Joan found a safe space to share her experiences and express her concerns. The Advocate helped Joan in several ways, providing information and connection to local services for counselling and connecting her to My Aged Care, enabling her to access support services tailored to her needs, such as in-home assistance and social connection to reduce her isolation.
*Names and other details are altered to protect identification.