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Paving the way for a new CEO Bev Jowle

Louise and Bev, incoming CEO

The Advocare team is preparing to welcome its incoming Chief Executive Officer, Bev Jowle, from November 11. Prior to outgoing CEO Louise Johnstone Forster leaving, Bev was introduced to the team so they could get to know her a little better.

Bev shared how her career has been dedicated to successful advocacy, empowerment and support for vulnerable people in the community. She’s also aligned her passion for people with tertiary study achieving high results in areas including social impact, motivating and managing performance, politics, philosophy, sociology and youth studies.

Bev’s role prior to joining Advocare was as Chief Executive Officer at Consumer Credit Legal Service WA. She’s also previously held senior roles at Western Australia’s Department of Communities, Lotterywest, Financial Counsellors’ Association of WA, St Patrick’s and South Coastal Women’s Health Service. Added to this Bev has over a decade of Board experience.

The Advocare team wishes outgoing CEO, Louise Johnstone Forster, who left in September, all the best on her next adventure. Interim CEO, Erin Timu continues to steer the organisation until Bev arrives, ensuring Advocare’s work to protect the rights of older people stays on track.

Under Louise Johnstone Forster’s leadership, Advocare has undergone significant transformation and growth – expanding the services and supports available to older Western Australians. She leaves Advocare set for its next phase as she focuses on governance roles as well as managing an owner-builder project before taking on her next transformational role.

On behalf of our team, we sincerely thank Louise for her tremendous contribution to Advocare over the last three years.

Louise and Bev, incoming CEO