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Home > Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse WA

Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse WA

Advocare proudly leads the Alliance for Prevention of Elder Abuse in Western Australia (APEA: WA), an inter-agency collaboration established to prevent elder abuse in Western Australia. The Alliance was established to promote a whole-of-government policy framework that values and supports the rights of older people.

If you are a service provider or concerned member of the community and would like to bring a systemic issue about elder abuse to the attention of APEA WA:

The objectives of this group are to:

Since its inception APEA:WA has successfully:

Member Organisations

APEA:WA member organisations meet bi-monthly to work on key actions within the strategic plan. If you’d like to find out more about this group or its activities, email Advocare at rights@advocare.org.au