“I was getting a bit worried about the lady who lives over the road from us. I didn’t know her name then, even though we’d both lived in the street for years, but we always said hello whenever we crossed paths, walking our dogs or whatever. Things took a bit of a turn when her son moved in with her back in January. I’d hear him yelling at her and storming out of the house. The front garden went to rack and ruin and there are cars parked outside her place all hours of the day and night.”
I did knock on the door a couple of times when I knew the son was out, but she never answered even though I’m pretty sure she was home.
I wasn’t sure what else to do really. I did some googling and came across Advocare and gave them a call. Although Advocare couldn’t intervene directly, or not without my neighbour’s permission, they did give me good advice, including reaching out to other neighbours who knew her better. We’ve all got each other’s phone numbers now and are keeping an eye on things. We know who to call and when to act. She’s also started opening up a bit to one of the other neighbours and she knows we’re here for her when she’s ready. Advocare also suggested I consider requesting a welfare check from emergency services if the situation escalated.