Here you’ll find a selection of helpful Advocare publications, aged care sector publications, webinars, presentations and handy fact sheets to help you on your journey.
You’re welcome to view the resource you’re after, download it for free. If it’s an Advocare publication and you’re an aged care provider or community organisation, you may order a limited number of copies to be sent to you.
We appreciate your understanding that Advocare is a not-for-profit organisation. We aim to fairly spread our limited resources as widely as possible.
Care finder service
Advocare – Help stop elder abuse (2023), A3 poster
Ready to Listen: Warning signs – Indicators of Sexual Assault
A Guide to Advocare services
Advocare – Your Money Your Life Your Choice: caring for your assets as you age
Standing strong and speaking out: Identifying the signs of elder abuse
Empowering Older People in WA: A guide to Advocare’s services (2nd ed)
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